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100: A Celebration Of Sam Rivers

  • The Government 715 East Street Pittsburgh, PA, 15212 United States (map)

Dylan Zeh Quartet ft. Derek Bendel

Ross Antonich & Tre Abolos

Suggested $10 donation

Join us for an evening dedicated to honoring the late jazz legend, Sam Rivers, on his 100th birthday. The event will take place on Monday, September 25th, starting at 7pm, at The Government Center located at 715 East Street.

Sam Rivers, a pioneering figure in the jazz scene, has left an enduring legacy. To pay tribute to his contributions, the Pittsburgh-based Dylan Zeh Quartet will perform a selection of Rivers' compositions. Double Bassist Dylan Zeh grew up in Central Florida and witnessed firsthand the profound impact Sam Rivers had on the local and global music scene. Along with Derek Bendel on tenor saxophone, Ross Antioch on drums, and TrēAbalos on flute, the quartet aims to bring Rivers' musical genius back to life, offering attendees a chance to experience his groundbreaking work firsthand.

It's worth noting that the University of Pittsburgh Library recently acquired the Sam Rivers Archive, a testament to the importance of his work and further tying him to Pittsburgh.

The night will kick off with a performance by special guest Erik Cirelli, setting the stage for an evening of captivating jazz. Erik Cirelli's experimental musical style will provide a fitting introduction to the main performances of the night.

This musical celebration is open to all who appreciate exceptional music and want to honor Sam Rivers' influence on the jazz genre. While entry is free, the band suggests a donation of $10 in support of this celebration.

Don't miss this opportunity to join us in commemorating Sam Rivers and enjoying outstanding performances by The Dylan Zeh Quartet and Erik Cirelli. Experience a night of remarkable music that resonates with the spirit of jazz.

September 25


September 27

1920s Avant-Garde on 16mm with live score by David Bernabo