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Experimental Noise and Poetry from Maine

  • The Government Center 715 East Street Pittsburgh, PA, 15212 United States (map)

Monday, Oct. 7, 2024

The Government Center

Music at 8pm


Colby Nathan as Dimples (southern Maine)

multi media experimental pop and noise from Southern Maine

(member of Boston-based noise rockers the [New England] Patriots)

with a special poetry reading by

Aidia Rayne, an interdisciplinary performance artist and poet from Portland, ME


Garden State Blu-Ray

3 (original) members of Radon Chong inching towards guitar-driven power pop with local dynamo Dane Adelman behind the kit.

(members of Radon Chong, TV2000, The Gotobeds)


performance focused experimental music

Extended bio on Dimples:

Dimples is the recording project of Colby Nathan and Greg Hartunian. For the live performances, Nathan - who hails from Southern Maine - takes the music of Dimples into the public sphere using soundtracked projections, textural live loops, curious stage design, and the occasional surprise outfit change. Nathan’s performances fluctuate between heart on sleeve sentimentality and surreal humor. Over the years, he has been seen fronting bizarro noise rock outfit, (New England) Patriots, providing lead guitar and backing vocals with Clay Camero, or deconstructing holiday tropes as Experimental Santa - amongst many other projects and explorations.

October 7

Open Improvisation Lab

October 10

Maria Chávez at Wood Street Galleries